Financial results - S.A.I. GLOBINVEST SA

Financial Summary - S.a.i. Globinvest Sa
Unique identification code: 7627369
Registration number: J12/1564/1995
Nace: 6630
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company S.a.i. Globinvest Sa - Unique Identification Number 7627369: 6.995.472 euro, registering a net profit of 4.237.235 euro and having an average number of 11 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Activitati de administrare a fondurilor having the NACE code 6630.


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 6630 6630 6630 6630 6630 6630 6630 6630 6630
ACTIVE IMOBILIZATE - TOTAL 8.618.189 8.648.310 8.366.636 8.161.829 10.263.684 10.091.134 10.108.927 9.656.235 10.303.618
PROVIZIOANE 0 0 0 0 0 169.612 262.179 253.440 224.154
CAPITAL - TOTAL, din care: 5.217.672 5.085.020 5.168.996 5.149.561 5.151.428 5.152.840 5.154.252 5.155.664 5.133.804
Capital subscris varsat 5.200.000 5.200.000 5.200.000 5.200.000 5.200.000 5.200.000 5.200.000 5.200.000 5.200.000
Rezultatul reportat cu exceptia rezultatului reportat provenit din adoptarea pentru prima data a IAS 29 (sold C) 1.791.435 1.639.377 600.026 259.083 127.073 1.020.615 132.274 119.281 105.138
Rezultatul reportat provenit din adoptarea pentru prima data a IAS 29 (sold D) 182.760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PROFITUL SAU PIERDEREA LA SFÂRSITUL PERIOADEI DE RAPORTARE (ct. 121) (SOLD CREDITOR) - - - - 0 3.197.255 0 3.428.361 4.237.235
CAPITALURI PROPRII 8.934.123 9.068.574 9.439.901 9.377.768 10.643.154 10.715.400 10.900.985 10.029.346 10.938.510
ACTIVE CIRCULANTE - TOTAL, din care: 392.377 564.108 1.321.759 1.340.375 681.948 1.043.490 1.352.766 3.507.487 1.153.335
Cifra de afaceri neta 2.223.281 2.348.381 3.796.941 4.452.061 5.461.166 6.209.255 7.243.622 7.108.762 6.995.472
VENITURI TOTALE, din care: 2.297.575 2.350.570 4.100.935 4.571.998 5.845.505 6.636.206 7.746.972 7.329.738 7.365.483
Venituri din exploatare 2.224.489 2.350.570 3.802.163 4.473.609 5.510.502 6.211.488 7.246.373 7.109.282 6.995.651
Venituri financiare 73.086 0 298.772 98.389 335.003 424.718 500.599 220.456 369.832
CHELTUIELI TOTALE din care: 1.331.395 1.105.341 1.006.024 1.260.083 1.602.526 2.885.377 2.654.727 3.300.189 2.389.556
Cheltuieli de exploatare 976.193 980.681 1.252.517 1.629.779 1.594.586 2.326.509 2.581.221 2.696.970 2.381.475
Profit brut 1.192.234 1.344.546 2.840.852 2.665.414 - - - - -
Cheltuieli financiare 129.148 25.343 7.566 276.805 7.940 558.868 73.506 603.219 8.081
Rezultatul brut Profit - - - - 4.242.979 3.750.829 5.092.245 4.029.549 4.975.927
Profit net 1.015.159 1.150.311 2.418.694 2.619.883 - - - - -
Rezultatul net Profit - - - - 4.010.638 3.197.255 4.279.094 3.428.361 4.237.235
Creante 181.611 287.631 460.912 474.504 563.505 517.390 644.295 3.195.183 712.683
Imobilizari financiare 2.056.715 1.733.441 1.322.521 1.022.962 - - - - -
Numar mediu de salariati 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11
Casa in lei si valuta 775 313 892 727 - - - - -
Conturi curente la banci in lei si valuta 209.729 276.071 859.862 865.051 - - - - -
Casa si conturi la banci 210.673 276.384 860.754 865.778 118.350 526.007 708.471 312.304 440.652
CHELTUIELI IN AVANS 4.354 5.417 8.598 11.724 13.728 20.981 47.161 125.938 124.441
DATORII CE TREBUIESC PLATITE INTR-O PERIOADA DE UN AN 78.284 146.728 254.544 134.435 314.451 223.433 299.942 2.962.538 350.662
DATORII CE TREBUIESC PLATITE INTR-O PERIOADA MAI MARE DE UN AN 2.513 2.533 2.548 1.725 1.755 47.160 45.748 44.336 66.196
VENITURI IN AVANS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.872

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